Advanced Mupid Exu Electrophoresis, a submarine type electrophoresis system.

Berikut ini adalah tabel spesifikasi teknis Mupid EXu, silahkan anda pelajari:

Advanced Mupid Exu Electrophoresis

Electrophoresis Cell
  Overall dimensions 183mm(W)×56mm(H)×164mm(L)
  Material UV transparent plastic
  Solution volume Approx. 300-350 ml
  Multi-sample Multichannel-pipette compatible
 Safety Lid
  Overall dimensions 197mm(W)×38mm(H)×169mm(L)
 Power Supply
  Overall dimensions 75mm(W)×62mm(H)×170mm(L)
  Weight 410g
  Input voltage AC100〜240V、AC50/60Hz
  Output voltage
Constant peak voltage of 140V and duty control
  TimerTimer operation 0 – 99 min. and continuous mode
Pause function supported
  Safety switchMicro-switches in the power supply without safety lid, no output of Power
  Memory functionAutomatic memory (the last used V & T)
 Gel Tray
  Gel Tray – S 130mm(W)×13mm(H)×59.5mm(L)
  Gel Tray – L 130mm(W)×13mm(H)×122mm(L)
  Quantity Gel Tray – S : 2 ,  Gel Tray – L : 1
  Multiple number of wells 13 or 26 wells
(13wells: 9mm spacing 26wells: 4.5mm spacing)
  Quantity 4
 ■Gelmaker Stand
  Overall dimensions 149mm(W)×20mm(H)×125mm(L)

Gel Casting Set -ex (Included in the Mupid-exU system.)


Dan tabel selanjutnya silahkan pelajari juga:

Gel Tray ex-L

Gel Size:125mm(W)×60mm(L)

No lines are printed so as not to disturb UV illumination to the gel.
Used to form a standard-size gel.

Gel Tray ex-S

Gel Size:125mm(W)×122mm(L)

No lines are printed so as not to disturb UV illumination to the gel.
Used to form a maximum-size gel.


2.0mm(W) x 1mm(D) x 26wells or
6.0mm(W) x 1mm(D) x 13wells

Set on the Gel Casting Stand-ex to form wells in a gel. 4 combs can be set on the maximum-size gel.

Gel Casting Stand-ex

Gel Trays are set on it to form gels. 2 standard-size gels or a maximum-size gel can be formed. The Center Partition is removed in forming a maximum-size gel.


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Terima kasih

1 ulasan untuk Advanced Mupid Exu Electrophoresis

  1. Handoko

    di lab saya ada 2 unit. saya call ya untuk tanya-tanya

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